MARTE in Orbit

Specific site Cycle commissioned by MARTE

In time of the tenth anniversary of the Club Cultural Matienzo celebrations MARTE invited three directors to create performances in Matienzo and its surroundings

Buenos Aires. Noviembre de 2018

La zona from Melina MarcowA lightning emerges from the earth in 2010 and generates the ilusion of completeness in the sky of 2018. Throughout its extension it shines and illuminates the area

La Orga from Marcos Perearnau Choreography that rehearses the aesthetic form of political organizations through a mobilization

MOPA Movimiento de Ocupación PúblicA from Natalia Chami and Romi Sak A intervention of the public space proposal that invites residents of the same neighborhood to participate in a series of poetic actions

Production: Martina Estelí García and Juan Carlos Prudencio
Photography: Martina Estelí García